
CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: This is my Testament

"They are supposedly threatening me with an advertisement of some armed people. (Referring to SADAT advertisement). The message in that picture is clear. They say, 'We will come after you'. These gentlemen will come for me. These paramilitary remnants are only part of the more extensive setting. At the root of everything, there's only one thing. That's money. Lots of money. The money they need to get more. They stole the money from our people. Gang of Five is stealing this money. Don't mind me calling it Gang of Five. Their codename is "Five". Their number is not only "Five" but thousands of people are beneath this operation.

My experts gave me a report. Gangs, mafia scraps, and drug lords stole 418 billion dollars. Please write it down in your notebook: I said clearly that this is the figure I will collect from you. Under our leadership, we will collect these 418 billion dollars from you. First, they wanted to force me into an agreement. I slammed the door into their faces. Finally, they resorted to all operations, and we reached the final stage. The threats of weapons and assassination... They make their last warning in their minds.

They're ignorant, dishonest, foolish, deceitful coyotes... Coyotes, are you going to scare me? I'd rather die standing than live a life on my knees before you. I dare you, let's meet. If God grants us to live, I will continue to be the biggest nightmare you will ever see. Your trolls can't turn me out of my way. You cannot stop me.

Let me also say this. If anything happens to me, it is my duty to my people. You will collect this 418 billion dollar. This money is the future of our youth. It is the money of the unborn babies of this country. You will collect every penny. You will allocate that money to 85 million people in this country. That is my testament to you."

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