
CHP Chairman Özgür Özel: “The Next 50 Years Will Mark the Beginning of a Solution, Hope, and a Happier, More Prosperous Cyprus”

CHP Chairman Özgür Özel: “The Next 50 Years Will Mark the Beginning of a Solution, Hope, and a Happier, More Prosperous Cyprus”

Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairman Özgür Özel visited Kudret Özersay, President of the People’s Party in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Özel emphasized that CHP respects the will of the Cypriot people and supports their decisions on solutions and political matters. He stated:

“We respect the will of the people of Cyprus. We stand behind whatever decision they make regarding solutions and political matters, including presidential elections. However, we have a red line: democracy and elections conducted under free and equal conditions. If anyone from Turkey attempts to manipulate Cyprus elections using public power, they will face CHP. Our stance is not to take sides in the Cyprus elections but to support democracy in Cyprus.”

Özel also mentioned his visit’s significance on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation and his previous inability to visit the People's Party. He noted:

“We had the opportunity to visit the People’s Party on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation. The People's Party, with its stance on Atatürk and the values of the Republic he founded, is a party we closely follow. I’m pleased with the agreement on many issues with the General President and his team today.”

“If Someone From Turkey Try To Manıpulate The Cyprus Elections, They Wıll Find The CHP Against Them”

Özel expressed concern about past interventions by Turkish political parties in Cypriot elections and emphasized that CHP would oppose any future attempts to influence Cyprus elections improperly:

“We have seen direct involvement from Turkish political parties in Cyprus’s presidential and parliamentary elections. We reacted to these attempts. We respect the will of the Cypriot people, but if anyone tries to manipulate the elections using public power, they will face CHP. Our position is to support democracy in Cyprus, not to take sides.”

“I Recommend Erdoğan to Meet All Political Parties in Cyprus”

Özel recommended that Turkish President Erdoğan engage with all political parties in Cyprus, including opposition parties. He expressed his hope for Cyprus’s continued peace and prosperity:

“During our visit, we met with various leaders, including President Erdoğan, and discussed Cyprus’s issues. I recommend that Erdoğan also meet with all opposition parties in Cyprus. Our aim is to see Cyprus enter the next 50 years with hope and unity. It’s crucial to be united and work together for Cyprus’s future.”

“Approaching Cyprus as Friends and Brothers”

Özel highlighted the importance of approaching Cyprus as a friend and ally rather than a distant “motherland”:

“Today, alongside former Foreign Ministers and other notable figures, we reaffirm our commitment to Cyprus as friends and brothers. We salute all Cypriots and political leaders with respect. Our focus remains on Cyprus’s independence and the well-being of its people.”

Responding the Questions

Regarding questions about interactions with President Erdoğan, Özel shared details about their discussions and highlighted the positive agenda of their visit:

“We discussed various topics, including the 50th anniversary events and our intensive meetings in Cyprus. We addressed issues like the blacklist affecting citizens and stressed the need for its resolution. Our focus has been on positive issues related to Cyprus’s independence and future, with no discussions on daily politics.”

CHP Leader Özgür Özel: “I Recommend Including Cyprus in Turkey’s Normalization Efforts”

Özgür Özel addressed questions about potential meetings with President Erdoğan, stating that while no immediate plans are in place, there might be opportunities to meet during events such as the October 29 Republic Day reception or when Erdoğan attends a parliamentary session. Özel emphasized the importance of maintaining dialogue and negotiation between political parties, noting:

“I suggest including Cyprus in Turkey’s normalization process. Those in power in Turkey should engage with the opposition in Cyprus. Normalization means ensuring that democratic processes are upheld and that everyone does their job effectively—whether in government or opposition. We will continue to advocate for citizens’ issues, like low pension and minimum wage concerns, while also engaging in necessary negotiations.”

“The Second 50 Years Will Mark the Beginning of Cyprus’s Happiness and Prosperity”

Regarding discussions during a dinner with representatives from both Turkish government and opposition, Özel reflected on the positive dialogue and the shared commitment to Cyprus's future:

“During the dinner with various leaders, including former presidents and current party heads, we discussed Cyprus’s issues and the need for good relations between Turkey and Cyprus. Despite not being at the desired point yet, it is notable that no one has been harmed in Cyprus for 50 years. We went there to bring peace, not occupation. The fact that the operation was halted when military objectives were met proves our commitment to peace.”

Özel criticized the fact that the Greek Cypriot side is an EU member while the Turkish side is not, calling for both Cyprus and the TRNC to be included as full EU members to prevent status inequalities:

“We want a solution where both Cyprus and the TRNC are full EU members. If the Greek Cypriots remain alone in the EU, we must find a way to make both Cypriots equal members. This solution requires the consent of everyone in Cyprus. We are seeking a resolution. The first 50 years were about perseverance and negotiation. I hope the next 50 years will start a new era of happiness and prosperity for Cyprus.”

“The Ministry Of Foreign Affaırs Is An Institution That Cannot Be Made Mediocate”

Özel criticized the lack of protocol during their visit, highlighting the absence of Turkish diplomats and officials:

“We were well received and hosted by the people of Cyprus, but we did not see any representatives from the Turkish Embassy at the airport or during our stay. This absence reflects poorly on both the individual and the institution. We will officially notify the Foreign Ministry of our concerns. The Foreign Ministry is a prestigious institution that should not be diminished by mediocrity. We expect it to adhere to diplomatic traditions and state protocols.”


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