


CHP Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said: "Whoever impoverishes our treasury will pay for it. I will have a giant digital billboard installed in Ankara before I start my operation to purge the gangs, leeches, and parasites from the state treasury. It will be named 'gang meter'. Every dollar stolen from the people and every dollar we get back will be seen on this billboard, both in Ankara and all over Turkey. I will never, ever stop until I see the 418 billion dollars stolen from the citizens is back where it should be, until that money gets back into the state coffers. Our treatment of the shameless and the thieves will be harsh. We'll hit them where it hurts and take back the money of the state. The day after the election, their phones will ring ominously. They will hear one voice on the other end: It's Kemal, I'm coming for you."

CHP Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu spoke at the group meeting at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey today. CHP Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader Özgür Özel said: "While our leader was coming to the group meeting hall, we received a criticism about how no room was left inside. We have very valuable guests who cannot fit into the CHP group meeting hall but want to accompany you on your journey." Some citizens in the meeting hall held banners with the word 'amnesty' written on them and chanted slogans. In answer, Kılıçdaroğlu said, "Do not worry. I will do justice to everyone." Kılıçdaroğlu said the following:

"WE WILL BRING PEACE TO THIS COUNTRY AT ANY COST: Turkey must understand this. We will not divide our people. On the contrary, we will do everything in our power to embrace all our people. We will not fight. We will embrace. We will definitely bring peace to this beautiful country of ours, no matter what happens, no matter what the cost. Everyone, rest assured.

WE WILL PRODUCE RATIONAL SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS: I know there are cheque victims among us, those demanding amnesty, contract teachers waiting to receive tenure, teachers waiting for appointment. Complaints are flowing in from all over Turkey. The main thing is to produce rational solutions to every problem. When you produce rational solutions to every problem, you build a society that is at peace within itself. That is our objective. A political approach that is at peace within itself, is not festered with problems, and solves the existing problems through rational policies. We will bring this political approach to Turkey. We are altogether, six leaders. We put up a fight together, defending democracy. Rest assured that we will find solutions to the existing problems through rational policies.

WE WILL STOP TURKEY FROM TURNING INTO A HUGE PRISON: Sibel Tekin is a documentary maker. They arrested her and put her in a prison for making a documentary. Fortunately, she was released on judicial control. This is good news. I'd like to say to dear Sibel: Congratulations on moving from a closed prison to an open prison. But rest assured that we will save Turkey from being a prison.

IN 3 AND A HALF MONTHS, ARTISTS WILL HAVE THEIR GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT: As I said, we received complaints and requests from all sides, pouring in like rain, asking us to address problems. We also received requests from the State Opera Ballet. One of the complaints says that they just make contracts for extras with them. However, they say that they are in fact orchestra, ballet, choir, and solo artists. They are children's choir conductors. Therefore, they are not extras but real artists. They are asking for their tenure. I would like to tell them: Do not worry, in three and a half months, you will get your tenure.

BE PATIENT FOR A WHILE, ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED: Another group who reached out is the Association of Revenue Specialists Subject to Qualification. Revenue specialists work at the Ministry of Finance. This is where I used to work, in a way, my first love. The Ministry of Finance is an institution that trained me and taught me morality and virtue. The Ministry of Finance of the time was a ministry known for its prestige not only in Turkey but also in many countries of the world. People are saying that there is also injustice and unlawful behaviour taking place there as well. The Association of Revenue Specialists Subject to Qualification say that they are facing a huge injustice. They came to me. I promised them. These people are my colleagues. All employees of the Ministry of Finance are actually my colleagues. I would like to send them my greetings from the CHP group. I want them to work in just conditions. Yes, I am aware of injustices. However, be patient. In three and a half months, all your problems will be solved.

WE WILL BUILD A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY WHERE PEOPLE WHO EARN THEIR LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF THEIR BROW WILL BE GIVEN THEIR FAIR SHARE: Petrol stations... While getting petrol for our cars, we might have thought that these places make a lot of money. In fact, most of these stations started to make losses. The number of stations shut down in seven months is 412 and they are making losses. If they did not have a small shop, if they did not sell items there, then they would solely be registering losses. More than 100 thousand people work in these places. How are they not aware of this? How can honest work be trampled upon in this way? I am addressing the petrol stations. I know about your problems. You are telling our MPs about your problems when they get petrol as well. There are problems in every segment of our society. We are determined to solve these problems. We will build a beautiful country where people who earn an honest living by the sweat of their brow will be rewarded. Not those who make money out of nothing. We will build a Turkey, where hardworking, honest people will be given their fair share. It will not be a Turkey where the gangs of five are rewarded.

THIS REGIME IS NOW A SURVIVAL PROBLEM FOR THE STATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY: When the one-man regime was built, they said, 'We will solve all of Turkey's problems as soon as possible'. They promised us and talked about it in their rallies. Their governors and district governors wandered about to talk about it. All their people were on the streets. Then, Erdoğan came. Today, we are paying for the hefty bill of the one-man regime. From our youngest citizens to the oldest. From workers to farmers. From civil servants to pensioners, from industrialists to merchants, from tradespeople to the self-employed. Millions of unemployed people are aware of a reality. This regime has wreaked havoc in our country. This regime is now a survival problem for the Republic of Turkey. Turkey needs to save itself from it.

ALL THEORIES OF THE ONE-MAN REGIME HAVE FALLEN APART: When the Turkish lira depreciated, they said that our foreign trade deficit would decrease, and we would have a current account surplus. On the contrary, in four years, the current account deficit increased four times. The exact opposite of what they said would happen happened. Thus, all theories of the one-man regime have fallen apart.

WHY ARE YOU NOT REDUCING GAS PRICES? Following the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, gas prices went down by 80 per cent. They went down around the world. Erdoğan did not say anything about that. Perhaps he thought I was not following the developments around the world. I am and I talked about it immediately. I asked him why he was not reducing gas prices while gas prices went down by 80 per cent around the world. They acted on it but reduced gas prices only for industries and natural gas power plants, albeit a very small reduction. They dropped the prices by about 12 to 13 per cent. However, that did not happen for residences and workplaces. Another thing: We have cities such as Erzurum and Kars that experience the harshest winter conditions. Winter lasts for six months in these places. Then, why are you not reducing the gas prices? The prices have fallen 80 per cent around the world, and they buy it for 80 per cent cheaper as well. Then, I am supposed to ask: Why are you burdening our people with this? Why are you not governing justly? I would like to address all homeowners and business owners. You pay taxes, including property tax. You pay a host of taxes, including VAT. Yet, they still pay high prices for natural gas despite an 80-per-cent decline in gas prices around the world. This is an unfair tax that you do not realise, but we do. We want a solution for this. We are determined that residential and commercial gas prices will go down soon.

You will see them go down when, God willing, we come to power in three and a half months. No home's, no low-income family's gas, electricity, or water will be cut off. The social welfare state will stand by them and serve them.

5 MILLION 400 THOUSAND PEOPLE ARE CURRENTLY EARNING A SALARY BELOW THE HUNGER THRESHOLD: They supposedly made big increases in the minimum wage. We already knew that that raise would not mean anything because of the inflation. However, I still did not think that would happen so fast. The net minimum wage is 8,506 lira and 80 kurus. For a family of four, the prices of food, housing, clothing, health, transportation, culture are all added up and the minimum wage is determined accordingly. The number of people on minimum wage is about 5 million 400 thousand people, meaning that many people earn a living under the hunger threshold. The minimum wage they set is below the hunger threshold identified by Türk-İş. We live in a one-man regime where labour is so cheapened, and people are condemned to earning salaries below the hunger threshold. But there are no such problems in the palace. There, people receive four or five different salaries. They have all the luxury. They enjoy themselves. Yet, 5 million 400 thousand minimum wage earners make living below the hunger threshold. They are condemned to it. I would like to address all our people on minimum wage. When we come to power, my mission will be to ensure that no person on minimum wage will be making a living below the hunger threshold.

'BRUTUS' NACİ: If you are condemning millions of people to hunger and leaving them unemployed, that means this is a tyrannical government. It is not an ordinary government but a tyrannical one. I would also like to dwell on the issue of Boğaziçi University. Tyrannical governments are also cowardly; they try to overcome their cowardice through oppression. They would like to project the image that they are strong. A trustee was appointed as rector to Boğaziçi University. Why would one do that? That trustee remained there for some time but then he could not take it anymore and left. For the second time, they found somebody from Boğaziçi University itself to be the trustee. That person they found from inside the university itself is a veritable Brutus. They appointed 'Brutus' Naci as rector. What did he do? He fired faculty members. He sacked prominent, world-renowned scientists to whom the whole scientific world looks up with respect from the university. They got the students beaten up and they threw some into prison. The students had a club, they shut it. The university went down 200 spots. It went 200 spots down in a list of universities around the world. But that was not enough for 'Brutus' Naci. There is a building that the university alumni had built using their own money. He seized that building as well. He is also acting tyrannically, saying he will take that building. I would like to address him from here: I do not like oppression, injustice, or pressure. I will never forget those who use such instruments. When we end the trusteeship order, Naci will see what that will mean. He will also understand what we mean by saying 'What's coming is coming'.

A FIRST IN THE HISTORY OF DEMOCRACY: Memorandum of Understanding on Common Policies. This is a first in our history of democracy. I would like to express with pride that we came together as six leaders. Six leaders came together to change the one-man regime, which has become a survival problem for the state, and to bring democracy to this country in the real sense. If, for the first time in the history of the Republic, six leaders come together and draft over 2,300 solutions to existing problems one by one, and if they do so unanimously, if they do so with peace of mind; then Turkey's future is bright, rest assured.

NO-ONE SHOULD WORRY. WE WILL REBUILD THE STATE: We have devised policies to fight corruption. We have policies to eliminate unemployment. We have devised a foreign policy that will safeguard Turkey's prestige and reputation. We have policies in the document about how to capture the digital transformation and technology. We also talk about how we will get back the money stolen. No-one should worry. We will rebuild the state. We will rebuild it on morality, virtue, knowledge, and justice.

THEY FEED ON CORRUPTION: Do you remember what they said? 'These six leaders are a motley crew. They would never come together. They would fight one another day in, day out.' They are supposed to be acting together but have you ever seen them actually come together to talk about how to solve the ills of the country around a table with heaps of paper in front of them? There is in this country corruption and theft. Have they ever thought about what steps to take to prevent corruption? Have they ever thought that there are those who usurp the fair share of poor orphans and that they need to fight against it? They have not because they feed on it. They feed on corruption; we know that. We will safeguard the reputation of the state. The state will become a state in its truest sense.

THEY ARE WORKING FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS BUT WE ARE WORKING TO DELIVER EVERYONE'S RIGHTS AND THE LAW: We have nine main topics and more than 2,300 solution pledges. We took a unanimous decision on all of these and approved them. That is why I am saying that this is a first in our history, a first in the history of democracy. I would like everyone to know that the professors who will write books on the history of democracy will not be able to do that without referring to our memorandum of understanding. We are acting with our minds, not with our emotions and not with our prejudices. We try to solve the questions by acting with our minds, not by fighting. We are not like them. They are only working for their interests while we are working for everyone's rights and the law. We will do it. We want to build a Turkey where there is no one in prisons rather than a Turkey with packed prisons. We want to build a Turkey where everyone lives in peace.

EVERYTHING WILL GET BETTER IN TURKEY IN A VERY SHORT TIME: The first thing we will do is to set up a damage assessment commission. A group of experts we will appoint will investigate the state of the country, write a report, and put it before the six leaders. You have to make decisions based on information, not by rote. We will build a strategy and planning organization. This is part of our pledges as well. A state cannot be without plan or programme. Specialists in every field will be assigned to the strategy and planning organisation. We will restore the independence of the Central Bank. The Economic and Social Council will function. We will listen to people with problems. We will ensure budgetary discipline. We have regulations on public procurement laws. The regulations will be absolutely transparent. Do not worry at all, when we do this, you will see that everything in Turkey will improve in a very short time.

THE NAME OF THE GOVERNMENT WOULD CHANGE, BUT THE MISERY OF MY PEOPLE WOULD CONTINUE. ONE ERDOĞAN WOULD GO, BUT A NEW ERDOĞAN WOULD REPLACE HIM: I have been very clear about one thing from the very beginning. I promised 85 million people that I would get back the money and goods that this gang of five had taken from the state treasury under the guise of projects. That money belongs to the unborn infants of this country. That is not their money. Before I declared this war on these gangs, I was warned many times in meetings with friends. They advised me, saying, 'If you deal with them, that huge money will deal with you'. They have the mafia; they have paramilitary groups. They have the deep state. So many people warned me about them, saying I should be careful. These were all sincere concerns. They were sincere in warning me. Of course, I set out on this path knowing and taking into consideration all of these. I of course knew when I started waging this war that this process would become dirty, that I would become the subject of smear campaigns, that I would get threats. I of course knew that I would have to carry out politics under the shadow of guns. I also knew very well that if I had accepted their request for an interview, I would not be a target of this dirty order. I want the people to know and understand this very well. Some of these gangs existed even before this palace power, that is, before Erdoğan. They were part of the state back then as well. They just align themselves with any new government coming in. Things have constantly changed, but they have always remained within the system. And they let every newcomer get part of their booty. The deep state as well as the mafia. Obviously, they wouldn't let you rob the treasury so easily. To be able to do that, you have to make sure that all these dark figures get some part of the cake. They also specialise in how to 'buy' people. You can be sure that if I had met them, then I would have become part of this machinery. The name of the government would change but the misery of my people would continue. An Erdoğan would leave, only to be replaced by a new one. And our people would remain destitute.

WHEN WE FOUND OUT THAT THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY STOLEN FROM THE STATE TREASURY WAS 418 BILLION DOLLARS, SMEAR CAMPAIGNS AND ASSASSINATION THREATS BEGAN: Do you know when the real panic started? As soon as my teams of experts, the teams of experts assigned by our party, started chasing the money stolen from the treasury. The moment those reports were put on my desk, they went into a terrible panic. When the total amount of money stolen from the state treasury was found to be 418 billion dollars, smear campaigns and assassination threats began. Was I afraid? Never! Rest assured that I will never step back. We stand like fortresses, like castles. We will never take a step back.

IT'LL BE BAD FOR YOU IF I DON'T SEE IT IN THE REPORTS: Let them come with everything they've got. We will never step back; we will never step back even an inch. Now, I would like to take this opportunity to address the Court of Accounts, one of the fundamental institutions of our state, and the honourable auditors working there. It is the parliament that makes the budget and the Court of Accounts that audits the budget of the parliament on behalf of the GNAT. When we came to power, if I do not see that 418 billion dollars mentioned in the reports you write, it means that you have not fulfilled your duty properly. I will put it very clearly. I swear to God, if I don't see it in the reports, it'll be extremely bad news for you.

I WILL ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO GIVE THE COURT OF ACCOUNTS ONE LAST CHANCE: It is not long now. When we come to power in three and a half months, I will compare our own reports with yours. Therefore, I will be able to see who has performed their duty and who has not. I will ask for an appointment at the Court of Accounts to give them one last chance. I will go there, and I will talk with them directly. I'll talk to them in more detail about what I've just discussed.

WHOEVER TOUCHES THE TREASURY WILL END UP WITH BURNED FINGERS: I would like to make one last warning. Whoever touches the treasury will end up with burned fingers. I would like to make a commitment to my people on this issue. I will have a giant digital billboard installed in Ankara before I start my operation to purge the gangs, leeches, and parasites from the state treasury. It will be named 'gang meter'. Every dollar stolen from the people and every dollar we get back will be seen on this billboard, both in Ankara and all over Turkey. I will never stop until I see the 418 billion dollars stolen from the citizens back in the state coffers. I will go after their assets in Turkey; I will go after every penny they smuggled abroad, every penny they transferred to their family members, every penny that they had their office assistants and drivers hide away. We will set up an Asset Recovery Office.

IT'S KEMAL, I AM COMING FOR YOU: I promise. If they had spent treasury money on collars for their cats and dogs, I would even take that back. When I say this, they immediately make their trolls type things like 'We thought you were going to make amends, what is this then?' I will make amends with those who have been wronged. Anyone to whom injustice has been done. If somebody has been wronged, I will make amends with them. Therefore, we will make peace with Roboski, Ali İsmail Korkmaz's family, and Soma. We will also make amends with our veiled girls for the injustice done to them because we remained silent during that period. The list if long. Our treatment of the shameless and the thieves will be harsh. We'll hit them where it hurts and take back the money of the state. The day after the election, their phones will ring ominously. They will hear one voice on the other end: It's Kemal, I'm coming for you."

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