
CHP Leader Özgür Özel Visits TRNC Prime Minister Ünal Üstel: "The TRNC's Demands Must Be Fulfilled"

Republıcan People's Party Leader Özgür Özel:

“We Extend Our Salutations to the Operation that Brought Peace to Both Greeks and Turks”

The Chairman of the Republican People's Party (CHP), Özgür Özel, visited the Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ünal Üstel, during his visit to the TRNC to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation. Özgür Özel stated, "The TRNC has very legitimate demands. These demands must be addressed and resolved through a common solution. There are numerous issues, ranging from difficulties faced by our athletes and patients to visa problems encountered by children with one Turkish parent and one Cypriot parent when traveling to third-world countries. All these matters, including those that will be addressed in the upcoming court case in September, require meticulous attention."

During his visit to the TRNC to attend the 50th-anniversary ceremonies of the Cyprus Peace Operation, Özel expressed, “After taking office, my first visit was to the TRNC, where you graciously received our delegation. We had a valuable conversation then. Today, as we wished during our last visit, we have come to participate in the 50th-anniversary ceremonies of the operation and are here with the delegation I introduced earlier. We extend our respect and affection to all citizens of the TRNC. We also pray for the souls of all martyrs, both military and civilian. We hope that such painful days are never experienced again, neither in Cyprus nor in any part of the world.”

“If The International Community Had Fulfilled Its Responsibilities, These Sufferings Would Not Have Occurred”

“I fully agree with your emphasis on Palestine. Recently, at the grave of Aliya Izzetbegović, on the 29th anniversary of the massacre, I reiterated his words: ‘Forgotten massacres are repeated.’ A large massacre occurred on the island. If the international community had fulfilled its responsibilities during the initial stages of that massacre, these great sufferings would not have occurred. Consequently, there would have been no need for a peace operation. Sarajevo experienced this 29 years ago, and the world was silent. Eventually, in one day, 8,300 people were killed, and tens of thousands in total. Now, the same atrocities are being perpetrated by Israel in Palestine. The international community remains silent once again. Of course, we highly value those who speak out and recognize Palestine, such as our esteemed counterparts like Pedro Sánchez. Their statements are crucial, but the international community must adopt a much more courageous, resolute, and unified stance on Palestine and put an end to the situation. We are witnessing a process where hospitals are being targeted, and ambulances are being struck in the presence of UN observers, yet the world remains indifferent. This must be stopped immediately. I wholeheartedly support your reminder on this issue.”

“The Legitimate Demands of the TRNC Must Be Fulfilled”

“We are once again in Cyprus with the same sincerity, determination and commitment that we had 50 years ago. Turkish Cypriots are faced with important problems that need to be addressed collectively. In my role as Vice President of the Socialist International and in our participation at the level of the European Socialist Party, the umbrella organization of all left and social democratic parties, and in our discussions at the Council of Europe, we have been constantly emphasizing the need for a just solution to the Cyprus problem. This is extremely valuable. It is also a significant injustice. We believe that the embargoes imposed on Cyprus, the international isolation, the lack of direct flights and the lack of direct trade are unacceptable. During our recent visit to the President, Mr. Karayalçın shared valuable views on how Turkey’s customs union process could facilitate direct flights and trade with Southern Cyprus if this process is managed correctly. The TRNC has very legitimate demands. These demands must be fulfilled and a common solution must be reached. Issues ranging from the difficulties faced by athletes and patients to visa problems for children with a Turkish and a Cypriot parent traveling to third world countries must be meticulously addressed. All of these issues, including those that will be discussed in the September trial, must be carefully addressed.”

“We Honor the Operation That Brought Peace to Both Greeks and Turks”

“Our understanding is that, while we are an opposition party in Turkey until the upcoming elections, we represent Turkey abroad, and thus the TRNC as well. We are also a party responsible for advocating the TRNC’s just cause. While we may assess various issues differently in Turkey, it is crucial to stand united for Cyprus. When Bülent Ecevit showed courage during the Cyprus Peace Operation, when the coalition government led by Necmettin Erbakan took that step, and when Süleyman Demirel said, ‘Turkey must now beat as one heart,’ it was a call for unity. Despite the differences in political relations, we must act together on what is right. That is why we reaffirmed our position unanimously during a recent vote. Moving forward, unity and solidarity for Cyprus are vital. We listen to various political parties’ perspectives on Cyprus from the past to the present. Although the methods, wording, and sometimes assessments may differ, there is a convergence around common truths. We must learn from the past, where the Greek side’s departure from the negotiating table was rewarded, and adopt a correct strategy. The observations of our Party Leader are extremely important in this context. We will continue to express our support on every platform and opportunity. We honor once again the Cyprus Peace Operation, which led to the establishment of the TRNC and brought peace to both Greeks and Turks.”

CHP Leader Özgür Özel shared on social media about the visit:

“We visited TRNC Prime Minister Mr. Ünal Üstel. The TRNC has very legitimate demands. These demands must be fulfilled, and a common solution must be reached. Issues such as difficulties faced by athletes, patients, and visa problems must be addressed with utmost care.”


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