
Deniz Yücel: "This opened dialogue channel will not make us give up our firm belief in principled opposition and being the voice of the society"

CHP Spokesperson Deniz Yücel said, "This opened dialogue channel will not make us give up our firm belief in principled opposition and being the voice of the society. No one should doubt that we will reach out to every segment that has a problem and we will make the harshest opposition when necessary. As the Republican People's Party, we act with the consciousness of the responsibility given to our party by our people on 31 March to solve the problems that are growing like an avalanche. We do politics for people, for society. Therefore, our agenda is the agenda of our people and society. Turkey needs to solve the problems that have become the bleeding wound of society.’

Following the return visit of President and AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to CHP, CHP CEB convened chaired by Chairperson Özgür Özel. Making a press statement after the CEB meeting, Party Spokesperson Deniz Yücel said, ‘The constitutional issue was brought up by Mr President. You care about the constitutional amendment, we care about what the citizens on the street are talking about. Minimum wage, pensions, non-appointed teachers, internship and apprenticeship victims... In order for the constitutional amendment to be on the agenda, our Chairperson conveyed to Mr President that steps should be taken to solve these problems, which have become the bleeding wound of the society. 17.5 million people voted for us. There is no point for us to sit at the table before they sit at the table. They need to sit at the table first. For them to sit at the table, first of all, the government must abide by the current constitution, recognise the decisions of the Constitutional Court and fulfil their requirements. Since the Constitutional Court cancelled the Decree Law No. 703, the government has an opportunity to comply with the constitution. In this regard, our Chairperson stated that it would be right for the parliament to work together to find a solution. We may not agree on every issue. But we attach importance to seeking a ground for compromise,’ he said. Yücel said the following:

Dear members of the press, our dear citizens who follow us from their screens and social media accounts, I greet you all with respect and fondness.

After the 31 March local elections, our Chairperson Mr. Özgür Özel visited the President and AK Party Chairman Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on 2 May 2024 after 8 years. Today, Mr President paid a return visit to our party after 18 years. I would like to express that we find this extremely important for the democracy of our country. It is an important step in Turkish political history that the Republican People's Party under the leadership of our Chairperson Mr. Özgür Özel has opened the channels of dialogue that the government has closed until now. Dialogue, consultation and negotiation are indispensable elements of democracy. As the Republican People's Party, we are ready to contribute to everything that will benefit the society and contribute to solving the problems of the society and the country. We observe that this process, which we refer to as normalisation, is also welcomed positively by the society. We know that the solution to the basic problems that exist in our country today and affect almost every segment is in the political institution. As the Republican People's Party, we know that every problem experienced in the country can definitely be solved by the political institution if it is desired to be solved. We have all lived and experienced together that the polarization and separation that has been going on in our country for a very long time has not yielded positive results. For this reason, we attach importance to the dialogue of political parties in a way to establish social peace.

Let us state from the beginning that this channel of dialogue will not dissuade us from the principled opposition we believe in and from being the voice of the society. No one should have any doubt that we will reach out to every segment that has a problem and that we will make the harshest opposition when necessary. Our determined stance will continue to resolve the economic and social bottleneck in our country. Today, ending the economic depression in our country, re-establishing justice, making the rule of law dominant, removing the obstacles in front of fundamental rights and freedoms are the first issues that should be on the agenda. In order to solve these problems, which seem to be independent from each other but are actually interconnected, a determined stance, the right political moves and a will to solve the problems are needed. As the Republican People's Party, we act with the awareness of the responsibility given to our party by our people on 31 March to solve the problems that are growing like an avalanche. We do politics for people, for society. Therefore, our agenda is the agenda of our people and society. Türkiye needs to solve the problems that have become the bleeding wound of society.

Our Chairperson Mr Özgür Özel and the President shared with each other many aspects of the country's problems as they see them from their perspectives. There is a statement made by Mr Ömer Çelik from the AK Party side. We conveyed to Mr President the issues concerning the whole society, which are the bleeding wounds of the country. The issue of convicted generals was conveyed to Mr President by our Chairperson during the last meeting. The issue was resolved, albeit with a delay. In this regard, Mr Chairperson Özgür Özel expressed his thanks to the President. We find it important that the request for reversal in favour of the law in the Gezi Case was forwarded to the Ministry of Justice. Those who paid the price last time because of the currency-protected deposits continue to pay the price in this period. I will discuss the economic problems under a separate heading.

During the meeting, our Chairperson Mr. Özgür Özel brought up the need for an interim increase in the minimum wage in July, the need to reduce the lowest pension to the level of the minimum wage, the need for a reorganisation to eliminate the grievances of tea and grain producers who are crushed under production costs, the non-appointed teachers, the problems experienced by private school teachers, the victims of internship and apprenticeship, the situation of those waiting for a step in retirement, and the rent aid that will end for the earthquake victims who were hit by a great disaster on 6 February. As Mr Ömer Çelik stated, we do not think that the society has a gain in the economy. There have been some developments in the past in favour of a very small and narrow segment of the society. However, this is not enough. If there is to be a gain in the economy, we think that there should be a gain in favour of those who are oppressed under the cost of living, namely the poor, the retired, the labourer, the minimum wage earner, the farmer, the tradesmen.

Until today, resource transfer has worked in reverse. It was conveyed to Mr. President by our Chairperson that resource transfers should be made in favour of the poor, farmers and low-income earners. In order to solve this income inequality in the country, it was conveyed by our Chairperson that a system in which tax justice is ensured should be established first and for this reason, all political parties should come together on the current budget, commissions should come together and the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye should work.

When we come to power, we will undoubtedly make a tax reform and eliminate the existing injustices with a system that taxes those who earn less from those who earn less and those who earn more from those who earn more. Not only justice in taxation but also the Gezi trial, Sinan Ateş case, Emine Şenyaşar case and the trustee issue were brought to the agenda by our Chairperson. Our Chairperson expressed that he found it very positive and correct that Mr President gave an appointment to Ayşe Ateş.

As for the trustee issue. He stated that the trustee issue is against democracy and the constitution, that temporary suspension from office is regulated in Article 127 of our constitution, but that the current trustee practice has permanent consequences. What will happen if the person who has been dismissed and replaced by a trustee is acquitted, if a decision is made that there is no grounds for prosecution? Let's say he is guilty. What is the municipality council members guilty of? What is the offence of the people, citizens and voters who voted for that political party? Why are they being punished? Why are the voters who voted for that political party being punished? A deputy mayor is elected. If the deputy mayor is involved in a crime, a new one is elected. However, the current arrangement is completely against both our constitution and democracy.

The President stated that the strengthening of the far right in Europe and abroad and the increase in hate speech against foreigners pose a risk and threat to Turkish citizens there, and that we should fight against this together, and that our Chairperson Özgür Özel's duty in the Socialist International is very valuable in this respect.

In his statement, Mr Ömer Çelik mentioned hate speech and interference in lifestyles in some municipalities. However, we cannot confirm that such an issue was discussed during the meeting between our President and the President. Mr Ömer Çelik can confirm this matter from Mr Elitaş who was present at the meeting if he wishes.

The constitutional issue was brought up by Mr President. You care about the constitutional amendment, we care about what the citizens on the streets are talking about. Minimum wage, pensions, unassigned teachers, internship and apprenticeship victims. In order for the constitutional amendment to be brought to the agenda, our Chairperson conveyed to Mr President that steps should be taken to solve these problems, which have become the bleeding wound of the society. 17.5 million people voted for us. There is no point in us sitting at the table without them sitting at the table. They need to sit at the table first. For them to sit at the table, first of all, the government must comply with the current constitution, recognise the decisions of the Constitutional Court and fulfil their requirements. Since the Constitutional Court cancelled the Decree Law No. 703, the government has an opportunity to comply with the constitution. In this regard, our Chairperson stated that it would be right for the parliament to work together to find a solution.

We may not agree on every issue. But we attach importance to seeking grounds for consensus. We expect the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye to resolve and legislate on important issues such as rector appointments by reaching a compromise, consensus and reconciliation.

One of the other issues brought to the agenda by our Chairperson is that the pending projects of the municipalities, transport and environmental projects should be approved as soon as possible within the framework of public interest. We think that it is very important for the central government and local governments to work together, and that the relationship between the central government and local governments is very important. As I mentioned at the beginning, we are ready to work together on any issue that will benefit Türkiye.

Regarding municipal unions, Republican People's Party mayors were elected. But it should not be assumed that we will use all resources and all opportunities for our own municipalities. It was also stated to Mr President by our President that resources will be transferred to AKP municipalities and other municipalities in line with criteria such as the population and economy they represent, and that our Deputy Chairperson responsible for Local Governments and Resilient Cities, Mr Gökan Zeybek, will follow this issue.

We are ready to work together to produce permanent solutions on issues that the society is sensitive to, such as stray animals. We are also ready to work together and produce solutions on issues that concern large segments of society, such as the prevention of femicides and women's rights.

2027 European Games and 2036 Olympics in our country will be more possible with the cooperation of the central government and local administrations.

I would like to share with you that within the general scope of the meeting, our Chairperson put forward a realist policy that points to the real problems of the society and produces solutions to these problems.

Yes, dear friends, if there are any questions, I can take them.

Question- Sir, during the meeting, President Erdogan said about Cyprus ........... The Chairperson also had a preparation. What do you think about this?

Deniz Yücel- Sir, I can say this. Our Chairperson, Mr Özgür Özel, made his first overseas trip to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in November. During this visit, which took place on the Independence Day of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, he met with the President, the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Parliament and it was shared with them that the Republican People's Party, the Party of Bülent Ecevit, had a will to be in Cyprus on the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. There has been a diplomacy, communication and preparation for this programme carried out by our Deputy Chairperson Mr. Yankı Bağcıoğlu for about 3 months. Not only our Chairperson, Mr Özgür Özel and the accompanying delegation, but also 174 Cyprus Veterans will symbolically accompany our Chairperson and the delegation. Of course, the fact that Mr President is also present at this visit and that this visit is taking place together adds a different value, a different importance and a different meaning to this visit.

Question- During the meeting on 2 May, you mentioned some issues that were discussed then, such as retired generals. However, when we look at today's meeting, some topics are still the same. Such as minimum wage, pensions, grain prices. Now Mr Özür has brought these up. So, did the President have an immediate response? What was his response or reaction? Was only a note taken? Or did he give an instant response?

Deniz Yücel- Now I can express the following. On 2 May, we know that some work has been done on the issues raised in the meeting. Our Shadow Ministers and Vice Chairpersons are holding meetings with the ministers corresponding to their areas of duty. We know that Mr President has also instructed the Ministers on this issue. Recently, yesterday, our Shadow Minister of Interior Mr Murat Bakan held a meeting with Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya. Previously, Mr İlhan Uzgel held a meeting with Hakan Fidan. Our Deputy Chairperson for Local Governments, Shadow Minister Mr Gökan Zeybek, also held meetings with the Minister of Environment and Urbanisation. Therefore, this is an ongoing process. I mean, some problems... Of course, the most concrete and solved problem here is the release of retired generals. However, I can share this. I can share with you that the President of the Republic has given an instruction to Mr Mehmet Şimşek to find solutions to economic problems, but we have stated that we will contribute to the solution of these problems in the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, with the participation of other political parties, with a common mind and working together.

In other words, I cannot say that this issue has been resolved or will be resolved, or that preparations have been made, or that Mr President has shared such an opinion. Mr Ömer Çelik held a press conference a few hours ago where he shared the President's statements with the public. However, I can share with you that the relevant Ministers have been instructed to solve the problems and when the time comes, a meeting, a study and of course a working environment with the participation of other political parties can be formed in the parliament with our Deputy Chairperson or the economic staff of the Republican People's Party.

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