
European Union Roadmap

On the 4th of June, 2022, CHP (Republican People’s Party), Chairperson Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu attended “the European Union and Turkey in the New Era” meeting organised by Maltepe Municipality in Istanbul.

In his speech, he declared the European Union Roadmap.

From his speech:

“As CHP, we have been a party that has looked towards modern civilisations since the day we were founded. We are a party that unconditionally defends the secular and democratic welfare state based on the rule of law. As CHP, we regard full EU membership as one of our goals. We believe that Turkey should play a role in and contribute to the rebuilding of Europe. In this process we are going through, we believe that the European Union’s roadmap should be briefly as follows.”

His speech was as follows:

"Mr President, valued members of the academia, our Mayors, MPs, Provincial Head, and dear guests,

We are having an important meeting. I wholeheartedly congratulate this forum themed “the European Union and Turkey in the New Term” by Maltepe Municipality and Mr Mayor.

The European Union explains the philosophy of its foundation as follows: “The European Union is a family of democratic European countries that work to improve the lives of their citizens and create a better world.” This is their definition. As Turkey, we also want to become a new member of this family that works to improve the lives of our citizens and create a better world.

Distinguished guests, EU membership, has another aspect that will undoubtedly not vex the family members, described as “Member states remain as independent, sovereign nations. But they come together to gain the power and influence they cannot have in the world separately.” We also want to be a part of the civilised world and preserve our independence and sovereignty.

This meeting is being held at a time when the balance in Europe is changing. The war between Russia and Ukraine and the refugee problem it created for the European Union. If we go a bit further back, there is the Syrian refugees and the attitude towards them. The dramatic result of the readmission agreement signed by Turkey—means turning Turkey into a refugee prison in exchange for financial aid of 6 billion euros. All these affect Europe’s security in a negative way. We know that for people, being separated from their homes, and especially being forced to do so because of a war, always causes deep trauma. In that regard, we hope, above all, for this war to end as soon as possible. As the first quarter of the 21st century is coming to an end, it is deeply saddening to see such a tragedy happen. When we look at things from another angle, the war between Russia and Ukraine shows that the security of Europe is evolving into a rebuilding process.

Valued guests, as People’s Republican Party, we have been a party that has looked towards modern civilisations since the day we were founded. We are a party that unconditionally defends the secular and democratic welfare state based on the rule of law. As CHP, we regard full EU membership as one of our goals. We believe that Turkey should play a role in and contribute to the rebuilding of Europe.

In this process we are going through, we believe that the European Union’s roadmap should be briefly as follows.

1. The visa liberalisation process should be accelerated.

2. Turkey must prioritise the Green Deal as a goal.

3. The blockage on chapters 23 – judiciary and fundamental rights and 24 – justice, freedom and security must be removed. In this matter, Turkey should not be left alone against the opposition of Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus. Without a doubt, we are also aware that Turkey should meet the requirements of these chapters.

4. The anti-terrorism law should be reformulated according to the international legal norms.

5. Public transparency must be prioritised, and the necessary policies must be implemented.

6. The Personal Data Protection Authority must be fully competent and independent.

7. For customs union modernisation, Turkey and the European Union must fulfil their obligations towards one another.

8. In energy security, foreign policy steps must be taken to prevent Turkey’s isolation in the Eastern Mediterranean. EU countries should not be guided in their decisions by the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus and Greece. We have the right to ask why Turkey is not included in the East Mediterranean Gas Forum. Turkey must get the answer to this question.

9. In the matter of refugees, Turkey should not be put into the position of a country that has to keep the refugees. We would expect Turkey and the EU to approach the refugee problem by sharing tasks and responsibilities.

Valued guests,

We live in a critical region. The Middle East has always been a powder keg, affecting Europe. In that regard, the European Union should benefit from Turkey’s background and experience in this region. Today, the two most fundamental issues facing the Middle East are international terrorism and international migration, which is also triggered by the former. For solutions, these two interrelated issues must definitely be handled at a regional level and primarily by the region’s countries. Therefore, we want an Organisation for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East (OBIT) to be founded. Such cooperation and searching for common solutions to problems in the region is also of particular concern to European security. We believe that having close consultations with the European Union will help realise this proposal.

Distinguished guests,

I would like to address the European Union, the European Parliament, and the European Commission. In our country, we are fighting to rebuild the democratic system. After the next elections, you will see a Turkey with a developed democracy that follows the EU norms, respects human rights, and defends peace at home and in the world. Rest assured. We will make it happen as the Nation Alliance.

In this forum, Valued guests will talk about the balance shifts in Europe and how the European Union must prepare for these changes. We have valuable speakers. We surely know that this preparation cannot be possible by ignoring a significant regional power like Turkey. Besides, I hope you will also come up with suggestions and voice opinions on how to close the increasingly growing gap between Turkey and the European Union due to the government’s wrong policies.

I want to take this opportunity to thank our Mayor of Maltepe, who organised the Maltepe Forum, the participants, and all the speakers who will share their views in this forum and wish them success."


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