

Thank you very much. I would like you to listen to me with great attention. We are in a tent; the atmosphere is a bit hot; I would like to thank everyone who spoke before me, from housewives to shopkeepers, from the head of the association to my young unemployed friend, for expressing their pain and suffering.

I will express my thoughts on a few fundamental issues. The first is that you have suffered a great deal. This is the fifth time I have been here. I want to express my condolences to all those who have been affected by the earthquake and to all those who have lost their relatives. I offer my love and respect. I embrace everyone, everyone, from the bottom of my heart.

I want to express my thoughts on two issues. First, we will build the houses, workplaces and barns of everyone whose homes, workplaces and barns were destroyed. We will deliver these buildings, apartments and workplaces without charging a penny. All our work on this issue has been completed to a great extent. International loans with five years grace period and 20 years of maturity with very low-interest rates have been found, and contracts have been signed. No one should worry; I will definitely do it when I give my word, period.

Two the second issue is related to the earthquake. Starting from Adıyaman, Adıyaman, Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, Osmaniye, Adana, Hatay... We will make special efforts to turn all these regions into a new production base. A new production base. Because nearly 1 million houses will be built, that is, construction, that is, independent units will be built. 1 million... If there are five doors, that means 5 million doors; if there are five faucets, that means 5 million faucets will be produced. We will do all of these in this region. Factories will be established in these regions, and production will be in these regions. Materials will be bought from these regions, and with those materials, buildings, and workplaces, everything will be produced in this region, and this region will win; we will create employment there.

After the wounds are healed, this region will also turn into one of the most prominent production regions of the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Africa. Write this down somewhere in your memory. You will see that when all this is done, you will live in earthquake-resistant houses, the problem of unemployment will end, all of these regions will become export centres, and Turkey will produce, and Turkey will win. Everyone will produce, and everyone will win. Every sweat will have value.

Second issue. Asylum seekers. I know there are big complaints about this issue. Don't think that this complaint is only in Hatay. There are 81 in Turkey. All 81 provinces have the same complaints. Those in power say that we will not send asylum seekers. The upcoming election is essential in this context. We have a project ready for those who put their hands on their conscience and ensure that asylum seekers are sent to their own countries without racism. The leaders have decided that we will send everyone to their home countries within two years at the latest.

We have agreed on this issue as political party leaders, that is, as the National Alliance. We have written our views on this issue in the Joint Memorandum of Understanding. We will follow the rules and principles in the Joint Memorandum of Understanding in the same way, and we will send them to their own countries.

Let me also express this; they made a Readmission Agreement; in other words, they turned Turkey into a warehouse of refugees. We will never turn Turkey into a warehouse of refugees, and we will definitely get Turkey out of here. We will also make peace with Syria. Our Syrian brothers and sisters can come to Turkey at the weekend. They can have their weddings, have fun, but we want them to live in peace in their own country. We will make Turkey the most significant production base of the region, and Turkey will be the guarantor of the whole region and the Middle East at the same time. It will be the guarantee of peace, love and friendship. We will do this too.

Let me briefly express one more thought. Since long ago, since I have been thinking, since I have not been involved in politics, I have voiced terrorism as a crime against humanity everywhere and in every environment. May God damn whoever supports terrorism, whoever stands side by side with terrorists, whoever carries water to their taps!

Dear friends, no matter where terrorism comes from or how it comes, we all need to fight it together. Here is what deeply saddens me. Please, please listen to this issue quietly. Politics is a business of morality. Moral men should do politics. Of course, a politician can say harsh words to his opponent; I respect that. We can criticize each other; I appreciate that too. But politics is not about slandering your opponent or plotting against your opponent. May God protect us from conspirators and save us from fraudsters. A fraudster cannot be a president. Therefore, we need to do politics on moral values. If politics is not done on moral values, then we have a problem. Just yesterday, they said that we were cooperating with terrorist organizations. They prepared fake videos about this. And the person who appeared on TV yesterday stated that they made edited visuals and used them with citizens and told them. I take refuge in Allah. I take refuge in Allah in the face of injustice and slander.

My late father used to say, 'Son, stay straight; the crooked will find trouble'. I am sincere; I have embraced all my citizens everywhere, in every environment, without discrimination. I have been subjected to all kinds of slander, I have been subjected to all types of attacks, I have been subjected to lynchings, but I have always embraced the beautiful people of this country. I have always been with you. I have never made any discrimination; I will never make any discrimination. I promise you, I promise to 85 million people. I promise to be the president of 85 million people and embrace 85 million people. I promise!

Of course, united, we will win. This country is our country. We have a wonderful country. We want to live in peace in our country; we want to live together in our country. If someone has a problem in our country, we want to share that problem. We don't want to step on anyone's foot. We don't want to say a bad word against anyone. Therefore, we need a new understanding of politics, an understanding of politics built on morality and virtue. We may have an opponent, we criticize our opponent, but we do not plot against the opponent. We don't go to the opponent through the back door and current events that are not against him as if they happened, and we don't present them as such. Because we are moral and virtuous people. People who lack morality and virtue have no business at the top of the state. I would like you to know this as well.

Let me mention one more issue here. Look, the Amik Plain is one of the most fertile plains in the world. The grains have started to be harvested, and they will be harvested slowly, but the base price for grains has yet to be announced. I make a clear call to the government from here. Why don't you announce this price why? If they don't announce it, I will announce it tomorrow. I will announce that this is our base price for wheat in the order we envisage. I am calling now; announce it now, not at the end of the election.

Our municipalities served the citizens in this region and all regions where the earthquake occurred. They did not discriminate. They never even dreamed of any discrimination. So, in the presence of all of you, I would like to thank all our mayors from the bottom of my heart. I am glad they exist; I am pleased they serve you.

I offer my sincere love and respect to all of you again.

Remember to go to the polls! Remember to vote! Remember your patriotism! Patriotism is voting! Patriotism is bringing those who want justice and morality to power! Patriotism is to live in peace in this country! Patriotism is to prepare all the conditions that ensure stability!

Once again, I extend my heartfelt love and respect to all of you.

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